Monday, April 6, 2009

Twilight Is Taking Over The World

Ok, so maybe Twilight is taking over the world one tween at a time. The series recently had its debut November of 2008 when the movie "Twilight" hit theatres. The first book was published in 2005 by Stephenie Meyer. If you're into mythical creatures and love stories this might just be the novel for you. I am the youngest person who works at Wellington Square Bookshop and I fell in love with the series. Meyer really has a talent for drawing you into the plot and making you feel like Bella, the main character. No matter what negative things people say about the series it is one you can read over and over again. I encourage everyone to read it, both young and old. I promise you will not put the book down. It has truly inspired young girls all over the world to never settle for anything but the best... GO TWILIGHT!

Memorizing Poetry

Memorization used to be a huge part of literary education, but now it's a bad word. Jim Holt says it's pleasureful to memorize poetry and recommends it instead of an iPod: "in the end I’ll be the possessor of a nice big piece of poetical real estate, one that I will always be able to revisit and roam about in." But he also says it's not intellectually worthwhile and that people don't like you to recite your poems: "Nor, as I have found, will memorizing poetry make you more popular. Rather the reverse."